Dual Button widget allows to add two button side bay side.
How to use Dual Button Widget?
To add a Dual Button widget, search by “Dual Button” and use the widget that has the “Move Badge”.
Dual Button Side:

Button Size: Small, Extra small,Standard,Large,Extra Large.
Dual Button One Side:

Button Type: Primary, Secondary, Success,Danger, Warning, Info, Light, Dark, Grey, Gradient.
Outline : Yes / No
Button Text: You can easily use Button text.
Button Link: You can easily control button link.
Button Icon: Easily change custom icon.
Dual Button Two Side:

Button Type: Primary, Secondary,Success, Danger,Warning, Info, Light, Dark, Grey, Gradient.
Outline : Yes / No
Button Text: You can easily use Button text.
Button Link: You can easily control button link.
Button Icon: Easily change custom icon.
From the style setting make necessary customization from the available options.